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Lake Mountain Boardwalk
Lake Mountain Alpine Resort

Funds from this grant were used to complete construction of a boardwalk at Snowy Hill, Lake Mountain and
develop an educational program specific to the region. The area is predominantly Alpine Ash, Eucalyptus
delegatensis and has an interesting fire history. Historically, successive fires killed off the Alpine Ash and Acacia
Obliquinervia became the dominant species. Since then Alpine Ash has seeded and seedlings can be seen rising
above the regenerating wattle. Completion of the boardwalk is enabling visitors to view this area close up and signage explains the special fire history of this small area of the Lake Mountain plateau. Filled with interpretative signs, the boardwalk allows visitors of all ages and abilities to appreciate the mountain’s sub-alpine environment. Importantly, it provides an understanding of the ecology of bushfire in the Australian landscape and a history of the local area.


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