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Major Grants

Major Grants 2023 to 2026

The Board of Eucalypt Australia is selectively inviting proposals for the the 2023 to 2026 period.

Projects with co-contributions will be prioritised.

Priority theme for funding:

Eucalypt Biodiversity – discovery, conservation, management and recovery

  • Discovery & Conservation— e.g. New knowledge of the genetic diversity of eucalypts, species and populations to underpin biodiversity conservation;
  • Discovery & Recovery — e.g. Understanding environmental stress, eucalypt dieback & resilience to inform planning and planting
  • Management — e.g. co-funding for people, training and capacity building, to support policy, planning & conservation tools
  • Management & Recovery — e.g. partnership for a landscape ‘on-the-ground’ project to support conservation, recovery and management, including indigenous partnerships

Applicants can be individuals, groups or organizations with an ABN who are undertaking projects that:

  • are located in Australia
  • are not for profit
  • align with the objectives of the Trust.

Eucalypt Australia will not support projects that are:

  • from applicants without an ABN
  • for private or commercial benefit
  • fauna focused
  • from organisations that are performing functions on behalf of federal or state governments.

Salaries for chief investigators and stipends for students are expected to be covered by other sources and will not be funded.

Eucalypt Australia is aware of the effort and time taken preparing applications.  Applications are currently by invitation of the Board only.  In a competitive research environment, priority will be given to applications based on:

  • alignment with the Trust’s funding priorities.
  • the scientific merit of the application and likelihood of cost-effective delivery against the stated objectives. Scientific merit is judged by peer review of the quality of the background information, the logic of the proposal and the experimental design.
  • likelihood of cost-effective delivery against the stated objectives.
  • justification of the budget. Components of the project budget for which funds are sought from Eucalypt Australia must be well justified – both travel and equipment must be essential for the project. Costs associated with attending conferences and publication costs levied by scientific journals will not be supported.
  • co-contributions (cash and in-kind).
  • interviews. Applicants may be interviewed.
  • Eligibility – check the criteria to ensure that you are eligible.
  • Funding priorities – ensure your research fits with Eucalypt Australia’s priorities. Please don’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole.
  • Acronyms – assume we don’t know what they mean.
  • Budget – double-check that your figures add up and your request reflects the full cost of the project.
  • Be specific – we recommend that you don’t generalise. Include specific facts and figures.
  • Word limits – it is important we understand your project but please stick to the word limits.
  • References – we recommend you don’t draft the references for your referees. If they are genuine about supporting your work, they should be able to write the letter themselves.

Do you fund existing projects?

We do not fund:

  • projects that have already started or taken place, although we may consider applications for strategic expansions of existing programs or new/innovative additions to an existing project.
  • maintenance of an established program.

Does the grant include GST?

Your grant will not include GST.

What is considered as equipment?

The Trust expects host institutions to provide basic equipment (including personal computers) and laboratory facilities. Equipment essential to the specific project (possibly including data analytical software) will be considered.

Can salaries, administration and other on-costs be included in the funding request?

Salaries for chief investigators in multi-year grant applications will not be covered. Salaries for others will be if the work they are undertaking is an integral part of the project/request.
Institutional & organisational overheads will not be funded.

If the Trust funds my project, will they own the intellectual property?

No, the applicant organisation will retain all intellectual property.

How will my application be acknowledged?

You will receive an email confirming your application has been received. The office is staffed part-time so the response may not be immediate.

Are there obligations if a grant is awarded?

Grants are subject to standard grant conditions.

How are major grants paid and when will I receive funding?

Once your application is approved and the contract signed, Eucalypt Australia will email your primary contact to request a tax invoice that must include your institution’s BSB, account number and ABN. A bank transfer will be made after these details have been provided.

Payments in subsequent years will be made on receipt of a satisfactory Progress Report and Financial Acquittal in accordance with the agreed schedule. Payments will be made by electronic funds transfer on receipt of a tax invoice. The invoice must not include GST.

What type of reporting is expected?

Eucalypt Australia requires an Annual Report, and a Final Report and Financial Acquittal at the project’s completion – see Managing your grant.

When is a Final Report and Acquittal due?

The Final Report and Acquittal is due within two months of completion of the project as per the approved schedule.

What do I do if my project is taking longer than expected? Can I get an extension for reporting?

If you are having difficulty meeting your annual reporting deadlines or scheduled completion date, please contact the Trust in writing outlining the reason for the delay. This will be assessed and an extension given where appropriate.

What if my project goes over budget?

It is unlikely the Trust will award grant increases. If your project is over budget, you should contact Eucalypt Australia to discuss revising your timeline, sourcing additional funding and reporting requirements.

What if I do not spend all the money?

When the project is complete a final report must be submitted acquitting funds spent and disclosing remaining monies. Eucalypt Australia will contact you to discuss best use for this money.

Can I use the funding received from Eucalypt Australia for a variation of the original project?

If funding is going to be used for anything other than what is specified in your application, you must seek approval from Eucalypt Australia.

How do I acknowledge Eucalypt Australia's contribution?

The Trust appreciates acknowledgement of its support and can provide a logo. Please do not amend the logo in any way. To obtain a logo email

What if I can't find an answer to my question?

If you can’t find an answer to your question, call Eucalypt Australia on 0477 958 493 or email

Keep in mind the office is normally staffed Monday to Wednesday.

  1. The Grantee will supply a tax invoice to Eucalypt Australia in order for the grant to be paid.
  2. The Grantee will provide a receipt for the grant amount within 30 days of receipt of payment.
  3. The Grantee will use the whole of the Grant exclusively for the Project as described in the application and not for any other purpose.
  4. The Grantee must promptly advise Eucalypt Australia of any material change which may affect the Grantee’s ability to undertake or complete the Project within the time schedule specified in the application.
  5. The Grantee will expend the Grant for charitable purposes within Australia.
  6. The Grantee must keep detailed financial records to enable the use of grant funds to be checked readily.
  7. Progress reports are required at 12 monthly intervals from the date of receipt of the Grant.
  8. The Grantee will acknowledge the support of Eucalypt Australia in published or display material that relates to the project.
  9. The Grantee must submit a Final Report and Financial Acquittal when the Project is completed. Due dates for Reports will be set by the Grantor in line with dates specified in the application.
  10. It would be appreciated if Grantees provide photographs of the Project that Eucalypt Australia may use. If photographs are provided, it will be assumed that all rights, consents, licenses and permissions have been obtained prior to submitting the images. Images should include appropriate captions, names of people pictured and any acknowledgements required. The provision of information and images will be taken as permission to reproduce and publish.
  11. The Grant is subject to termination if the Board of the Bjarne K Dahl Trust is of the opinion that continuance is not justified in accordance with the aims and objectives of Eucalypt Australia.

As well as the above Standard Grant Conditions, the Trust may set additional specific conditions as advised in writing in the grant approval letter. These may include a completion date, timing for progress reports, specific milestones to be achieved, and payment schedules.

To satisfy the conditions for exemption from GST, Eucalypt Australia requires that Grantees agree to the Standard Grant Conditions as outlined above, by signing an Agreement form when submitting the first tax invoice.

Save your application as a PDF and email to

You will receive an email confirmation that your application has been received. The office is staffed part-time so the response may not be immediate.

Major Grants EOI (Word document)

Full application – Major Grants (Word document)

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