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Conserving Eucalypts symposium

The symposium ‘Conserving Eucalypts – the why and the how’ was presented in partnership with the Royal Society of Victoria on the 18th of March, 2016.

Manuscripts have been published in a special issue of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria.

Each of the following videos gives a presentation summary. For the full presentations, follow the links at the end of each video.

Unfortunately we are having difficulties linking to the videos and are investigating.

Large old trees – critical small-scale structure

Managing our eucalypt gene pools

Dr Brad Potts, University of Tasmania

Conserving eucalypt lineages and spatial prioritization with reference to Victoria

Professor Michael McCarthy, University of Melbourne

Natural regeneration of Eucalyptus microcarpa woodlands

Associate Professor Peter Vesk, University of Melbourne

Adaptation to climate in widespread eucalypts

Evolutionary history of eucalypts

Dr Mike Bayly, University of Melbourne

Climate-proofing eucalypt forests

Professor Patrick Baker, University of Melbourne

Eucalypts, wildlife and nature conservation

Professor Andrew Bennett, La Trobe University

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