The ninth National Eucalypt Day was again celebrated across the country with a broad range of events despite the post-Covid hesitancy.
The Open Days at the Currency Creek Arboretum run by Dean Nicolle in SA continue to grow in their popularity with hundreds of people participating in walks and talks over the weekend. The main event was held interstate for the first time at the Kings Park Botanic Gardens, where Malcolm French AOM was awarded the 2022 Bjarne K Dahl medal by previous medallist Suzanne Prober.
Eucalypt Australia was pleased to contribute to the Eucalypt tours run at the Cavendish Red Gum festival.
The Guardian wrote a fabulous article highlighting National Eucalypt Day and the Eucalypt of the year and radio coverage grew to 20 interviews over the month.
National Eucalypt Day appears on the Federal Government’s calendar of Key Environemental and Water Events:
The magnificent Eucalyptus regnans, the mighty mountain ash, took out the fifth Eucalypt of the Year.